A lot has happened since I last wrote in my blog. Some good, some bad, plenty of ugly. I supposed the biggest news is that I received layoff notice last month. Really the majority of our department received did so it’s not like I was singled out. My position will be dissolved December 18. As much as that sucks I have to be thankful for the huge amount of notice. I’ve never heard of that much notice before and I can be appreciative of that. There are also other things to be hopeful for. There are quite a few positions that are replacing those that have been eliminated, which I have applied and interviewed for. I should be finding out if I will be getting one of those within the next couple weeks. It would mean a promotion if I did. If I get it, things are looking quite bright. If I don’t, some dark days might be ahead.
This summer has been punctuated with some strange occurrences. Hamlet swallowed a fish hook in the Uintas. A driver on a rampage forced another driver on the road into a telephone pole nearby, destroying it and taking out our power for several hours. Keaton finally got fixed at a mobile spay/neuter clinic. Cindy and I hung out with a drunk Mark Kobel and Shauna Lake at a gay night club. I could go on and these are all stories worthy of a good blog entry so I might have to go into more detail later.
For now, I’ve got another piece of news— I’m starting school today! I’m doing something which I should have been doing a while ago and taking advantage of my company’s significant tuition reimbursement to go for my Masters. Despite the layoff notice, Amex is at least honoring the reimbursement for this semester. That’s why it’s a lot more riding on this job I applied for than just money, it’s my education as well. Anyways, I’m taking two classes this semester; a computer class and a math class. The first should be cake. The second scares me a bit. It’s got kind of an intimidating name, Quantitative Analysis, and I’m going into it as a person who had gotten my math generals over as quickly as possible so that I could go on with my English classes and never have to think about another math problem again. Well, times have changed and now I’m determined to get an Accounting Master’s to balance out my education (employers aren’t exactly throwing gobs of money at English majors) and it’s gonna be a hell of a lot of math. And my math skills are rusty. And by rusty I mean a 100 year old bright orange nail in some wrecked ship at the bottom of the ocean rusty. I was hoping to never have to think about parabolas again.
It’s gonna be a long long road to a Masters (I’ve got 14 classes to take BEFORE I even get into graduate school) and I’ve never tried the going to school while having a full-time job thing so I’m sure life is going to be hectic, but I’m very serious about getting there.
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